
Welcome to home of PodCamp Ohio. PodCamp Ohio is the media community UnConference that helps connect people interested in blogging, social networks, podcasting and new media to learn, share, and grow their new media skills. Whether you’re just interested in new media or an experienced veteran, PodCamp Ohio is for you!

PodCamp Ohio is structured with everyone in mind. Each session time segment provides 6-8 concurrent sessions for guests to pick from. There are a number of sessions that will be organized as ‘tracks’ for those who are new to blogging and podcasting.

Event Information

PodCamp Ohio 3 in conjunction with WordCamp Columbus 2 will be held at The Ohio State University Mendenhall Laboratory on Saturday, June 19, 2010 from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

The location is sponsored by the Ohio State University’s Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing. Thank you for being a PodCamp Ohio Sponsor!

Session Schedule

The session schedule will be posted on June 1, 2010.

Want to Volunteer and/or Organize?

If you would like to volunteer and/or help organize PodCamp Ohio 3, please contact Angelo (angelo at podcampohio.com).

Sponsor the Event

PodCamp Ohio is actively seeking sponsors. Please see the sponsor page for more details or contact Angelo (angelo at podcampohio.com).

There are 6 rules which govern a PodCamp. In order for PodCamp Ohio to meet the terms in the PodCamp Foundation License, the following rules must be followed.

  1. All attendees must be treated equally. Everyone is a rock star.
  2. All content created must be released under a Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
  3. All attendees must be allowed to participate. (subject to limitations of physical space, of course)
  4. All sessions must obey the Law of 2 Feet – if you’re not getting what you want out of the session, you can and should walk out and do something else.
  5. The event must be new-media focused – blogging, podcasting, social networking, video on the net.
  6. The financials of a PodCamp must be fully disclosed in an open ledger, except for any donor/sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous.